
Pengawas L3t m3 s0 @nGRy

I had a very very happy news was tat I not a "MERIT-DEMERIT"members already. But tat my before L@nS1 Leader doesn't believe I was a choir member, tat day I had a choir competition so I no go 2 duty. Then she said why I no go duty, my another leader said I was a choir member she not believe it. I know I always L@nS1 with she and her mother is a GURU DISIPLIN, so she said 2 her BRAVO MOTHER. Then her mom just change me and another pengawas.

And I think she is a very "SMART", she always scold her members with non-reason but do very good to other elders AJK. Haiz I just can say like tat only nia, can't change this world. But I just say my hearts to yours...



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